A country’s electoral system is the method used to calculate the number of elected positions in government that are awarded individuals and parties after elections. In other words; it is the way that votes are translated into seats in parliament or in other areas of government (such as the presidency). There are many different types of electoral systems which are using all around the world, and these may be found in different regions and at different levels of government and it depends on differences in different countries by different constitution(for example school boards' election, president, and etc.).

We know that election is very important in democratic political system, depend on our constitution because we should choose the best candidates for the positions to do their best in an accuracy way. Furthermore if we want to improve our political system in constitution we should improve our electoral system. In addition having a good electoral system is one of our concerns and we must think to find the best system to help our political system and achieve our constitution's goal.

We have two options ahead, the first one is choosing among the systems that are being used by other countries, and we can make a new one as an alternative.